Cad Bane is a character and antagonist in the Star Wars franchise voiced by Corey BurtonThe character was created by George Lucas Dave Filoni and Henry Gilroy and was introduced in the 2008 animated series Star Wars. The Clone WarsHe is depicted as a ruthless bounty hunter from the planet Duro who is often employed by other villains including the Separatist Alliance and.
Cad Bane was a Duros male bounty hunter from the planet Duro who earned a reputation as the galaxys best deadliest and most fearsome mercenary during the Clone Wars.
. That character is the bounty hunter Cad Bane whose story is one filled with twists and turns and even a fabled run-in with Boba Fett that has fans excited for a. Bane employed a variety of weapons and allies to ensure that he always got. Though he worked for a number of clients his loyalty was ultimately to creditsand by extension the highest bidder.